Editorial Board
To maintain the quality of the Philalethes journal, the Society’s Executive Committee has appointed an Editorial Board consisting of highly qualified Masonic scholars and leaders.
Shawn Eyer, Editor
Shawn Eyer is a writer on Masonic symbolism, history, ritual and philosophy. He holds a Master of Arts in Transpersonal Psychology, and a dual Baccalaureate degree in Psychology and Religious Studies. He edited, with Christopher B. Murphy, Exploring Early Grand Lodge Freemasonry: Studies in Honor of the Tricentennial of the Establishment of the Grand Lodge of England. His current work is focused on the careful reading of early Masonic literature, with special attention to intertextuality, thematic progression, and ritualistic practice.
To submit material for publication in Philalethes, contact Bro∴ Eyer shawn.eyer@gmail.com. If you do not currently receive the journal, please see our sample articles to become familiar with our format and style. All articles must include references where appropriate.
Note: Philalethes does not accept unsolicited book reviews.
Editorial Advisory Board
The board advises the editor as appropriate regarding the quality and content of the Society’s publications. It consists of individuals with strong qualifications in Masonic research and publishing.
Board Members
Richard Fletcher FPS (emeritus) Chairman |
Former Executive Director, The Masonic Service Association of North America |
George Braatz, MPS | Past Grand Master of Ohio Executive Director, The Masonic Service Association of North America |
Thomas W. Jackson, FPS | Past Grand Secretary of Pennsylvania |
Christopher Murphy, FPS | |
Paul Rich, MPS | Fellow, The Hoover Institute, Stanford University President, Policy Studies Organization |