Philalethes: The Journal of Masonic Research & Letters

Since 1946, Philalethes has provided Masonic light to generations of Freemasons. That tradition continues today. Now expanded to 44 pages per issue, Philalethes presents thought-provoking articles on Masonic symbolism, ritual, history, art and philosophy, as well as careful book reviews and insightful editorial content. Many consider Philalethes to be the finest Masonic magazine available today. Learn how to receive our journal.

Vol. 75, №4 · Fall 2022

Alexander Towey
The Rise, Decline, and Renaissance of Freemasonry in the United States: Part Two

Gerry Briggs
Coleridge, Freemasonry, and the Secret Author of the Burnham Society Pamphlet: Part Two

Benjamin Williams
The History and Origin of the Order of High Priesthood

In Memoriam: Rex R. Hutchens, FPS

Vol. 75, №3 · Summer 2022

Shelby L. Chandler
General and Brother Hugh Mercer: Scottish Son, Masonic Brother, American Father

Alexander Towey
The Rise, Decline, and Renaissance of Freemasonry in the United States: Part One

Gerry Briggs
Coleridge, Freemasonry, and the Secret Author of the Burnham Society Pamphlet: Part One

James W. D’Acosta
Preserving Fairfield’s Sun Tavern with the Freemasons

David Fierro
review: The Contemplative Lodge: A Manual for Masons Doing Inner Work Together by C.R. Dunning, Jr.

Vol. 75, №2 · Spring 2022

C. Douglas Russell
Freemasonry in Academic Studies of Western Esotericism: Part Two

David Harrison
The Masonic Engravings by Pierre Lambert de Lintot: Part Two

Kenneth Jack
Masonic Book Collecting and Eureka Moments

Shawn Eyer
review: A Deserving Brother: George Washington and Freemasonry by Mark A. Tabbert

Vol. 75, №1 · Winter 2022

C. Douglas Russell
Freemasonry in Academic Studies of Western Esotericism: Part One

David Harrison
The Masonic Engravings by Pierre Lambert de Lintot: Part One

Brendan Hickey
Manslaughter, Rivals and Anti-Masons, and Benjamin Franklin

Roger S. VanGorden
A Message of Thanks

Shawn Eyer
review: Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living by David Fideler

Marsha Keith Schuchard
review: The Rite of Seven Degrees by David Harrison

Vol. 74, №4 · Fall 2021

Stewart Clelland
Quintessence of Dust: A Masonic Perspective on the Neoplatonic Philosophy of Marsilio Ficino and his Magia Naturalis

Ian Oxnevad
Masonry and the Problem of Evil

Edward W. Badger
On Geometry in Craft Masonry

Karl V. Hopkins
The Reason We Are Masons

In Memoriam: Thomas W. Jackson, FPS

Shawn Eyer
review: Education by Degrees: Masonic Notes by Raymond Apple

review: Brought to Light: The Mysterious George Washington Masonic Cave by Jason Williams

Vol. 74, №3 · Summer 2021

Stewart Clelland
The Dundee ‘1521’ Jewel: An Eighteenth-Century Artefact

Patrick M. Dey
The Architect Masonry of Henry P. H. Bromwell: A History of Failure

C. F. William Maurer
Brother Joseph Brant: A Native American in the Context of Revolution

B. Chris Ruli
History of a Union Camp Lodge in Washington, D.C., During the Civil War

Henry P. H. Bromwell
Three Masonic Poems

Shawn Eyer
review: Almanac of Freemasonry, 1730–1774 edited by Mark A. Tabbert & John R. Cline

Vol. 74, №2 · Spring 2021

B. Chris Ruli
The Rise and Fall of Temple Heights

Christopher B. Murphy
“Effulgence on Man from the Throne” The Masonic Songs of Anthony Haswell

David Harrison
Freemasonry and the Islamic Mystical Movements of Balkan

Ted Cross
Restoration: The Mormon Temple and Freemasonry

Erich Morgan Huhn
review: Native American Freemasonry: Associationalism and Performance in America by Joy Porter

Shawn Eyer
review: Freemasonry: Material, Moral, and Mystical by Anthony R. Baker

Vol. 74, №1 · Winter 2021

Walter M. Macdougall
Notes from a Masonic Journey

Matthew W. Parker
Understanding Prophets in a Jewish Context

Charles Winston
Is Freemasonry a Repository of Knowledge?

Karl V. Hopkins
The Call of the Craft

In Memoriam: W. Kirk MacNulty

Robert William Marshall
review: From Roanoke to Raleigh: Freemasonry in North Carolina, 1730–1800 by Ric Berman

James A. Buckhorn
review: Making Good Men Better: A 52-Week Personal Growth Plan Based on the Teachings of Freemasonry by Carl W. Davis

Vol. 73, №4 · Fall 2020

Christopher B. Murphy
A Defence of the Holy Bible: The Craft’s Traditional Volume of Sacred Law

Bradley Corsello
The Revived St. John’s Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of New York, 1853 to 1859

Alexandru Rufanda
Alexander Pushkin and Russian Freemasonry: The Fate of Nineteenth-Century Russian Masonry Decided in Bessarabia

Shawn Eyer
review: The Craft: How the Freemasons Made the Modern World by John Dickie

Vol. 73, №3 · Summer 2020

David Tate
The Masonic Trial of Andrew Taylor Still, M.D., D.O.: Founder of Osteopathic Medicine

Jonathan Kopel
Charles Horace Mayo: Lessons in Freemasonry and Medicine

Jean-Yves Legouas
The Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy Theory in France Prior to the Second World War, Part Three

Wallace McLeod
Freemasonry as a Matter of Fact

Stephen Maizels
In Memoriam: Wallace E. McLeod, FPS

Shawn Eyer
review: Why Thirty-Three? by S. Brent Morris

Vol. 73, №2 · Spring 2020

Thomas M. Saharsky
Clotworthy Stephenson: Lost Son of Virginia

Jean-Yves Legouas
The Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy Theory in France Prior to the Second World War, Part Two

Walter Benesch
The Importance of Music among the Arts and Sciences

Tyler Vanice
The Masonic Library and Museum Association

W. Bruce Pruitt
The Joseph Warren Tavern

Shawn Eyer
review: Symbols in the Wilderness: Early Masonic Survivals in Upstate New York by Joscelyn Godwin & Christian Goodwillie

Voices of the Fellows
Robert I. Clegg

Vol. 73, №1 · Winter 2020

Jean-Yves Legouas
The Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy Theory in France Prior to the Second World War, Part One

Jonathan Kopel
The Plumb, the Square, and the Level: A Fellow Craft’s Application of the Working Tools

Lorenzo Ramos
The Inmost Recesses of the Heart

Oscar Patterson III
The London Masons’ Company

Guy Benjamin Brookshire
Masonic Rhetoric

R. Stephen Doan
Gender, Race, Religion, and Secrecy:
Answering Questions and Managing Risk, Part Two

Marsha Keith Schuchard
review: Initiating The Millennium: The Avignon Society and Illuminism in Europe by Robert Collis & Natalie Bayer

A Report on the 2020 Annual Meeting

Voices of the Fellows
Arthur Caswell Parker

Vol. 72, №4 · Fall 2019

Shawn Eyer
Light and Instruction:
The Educational Duties
of the Worshipful Master

David Harrison
Thomas Garnett, the Lodge
of Lights, and the Radical Enlightenment

C. R. “Chuck” Dunning
Light on the 47th Problem of Euclid:
An Example of Masonic Contemplation

Jonathan Kopel
The 24-Inch Gauge
and the Common Gavel

Guy Benjamin Brookshire
Masonic Rhetoric

R. Stephen Doan
Gender, Race, Religion, and Secrecy:
Answering Questions and Managing Risk, Part Two

Shawn Eyer
review: British Freemasonry, 1717–1813, Volume Five: Representations edited by Róbert Péter

Marsha Keith Schuchard
review: De Londres á Saint-Pétersbourg: Carl Friedrich Tieman (1743–1802), Aux Carrefours des Courants Illuministe et Maçonniques by Antoine Faivre

Vol. 72, №3 · Summer 2019

Shawn Eyer
The Serious Declaration:
A Traditional Expression
of the Masonic Initiate’s Intent

C.F. William Maurer
My Brother Benedict Arnold?

Robert William Marshall
Masons on the Moon

T.S. Akers
The Legacy of Regimental Lodges

Bob Lingerfelt
The Memoria Verborum Memory Palace

In Memoriam: Edward R. Halpaus, FPS

Shawn Eyer
review: The Great Transformation: Scottish Freemasonry, 1725–1810 by Mark C. Wallace
review: Over 300 Years of Masonic Ritual by Martin Gandoff

Vol. 72, №2 · Spring 2019

Walter M. MacDougall
The Masonic Voyage Beyond: Bonded by Vision

Ric Berman
William Dugood

John Lawrence Busch
Present at the Creation:
Freemason Stevens Rogers and the Dawn of the High Technology Age

Karl Christian Friedrich Krause
Spiritualization of the Three Lesser Lights of Freemasonry

R. Stephen Doan
Gender, Race, Religion, and Secrecy:
Answering Questions and Managing Risk, Part One

Shawn Eyer
review: Speculative Freemasonry and the Enlightenment: A Study of the Craft in London, Paris, Prague, Vienna and Philadelphia by R. William Weisberger

Vol. 72, №1 · Winter 2019

C.F. William Maurer
Sol Bloom: Celebrating George Washington,
Uplifting a Nation

Benjamin Williams
A Tradition in Cornerstones: Theurgical Practices
of Early Civilization Remnant in the Masonic Cornerstone Ceremony

Bill Edwards
The College of Freemasonry:
A Biennial Masonic Education Event in Western New York

Christopher B. Murphy
review: Masonic Rivalries and Literary Politics: From Jonathan Swift to Henry Fielding by Marsha Keith Schuchard

Vol. 71, №4 · Fall 2018

Shawn Eyer
“To the God-like Brother”
John Parke’s Ode to Masonry
and George Washington, 1779

Jedediah French
The Order of the Asiatic Brethren

Kenneth C. Jack
The Gowrie House Mystery of 1600
and the Evolution of Freemasonry
Part Two

Jedediah French
review: The Illustrated Secret History of the World by Mark Booth

Vol. 71, №3 · Summer 2018

David Harrison
Dr. John Theophilus Desaguliers and
The Newtonian System of the World

Christopher B. Murphy
John Webb and the Traditional History

Kenneth C. Jack
The Gowrie House Mystery of 1600
and the Evolution of Freemasonry
Part One

Shawn Eyer
Quatuor Coronati 2018: A Conference Report

Jedediah French
review: Freemasonry: A Very Short Introduction by Andreas Onnerfors

Vol. 71, №2 · Spring 2018

Kyle A. Grafstrom
Freemasons of the Fur Trade Era

C. F. William Maurer
Otto Hillig: Freemason and Hero of Liberty, New York

Alan Schwartz
Class Equality in Traditional Judaism and in Craft Masonry

Tyler Vanice
The Candidate in Preparation

Shawn Eyer
review: British Freemasonry, 1717–1813, Volume Four: Debates edited by Róbert Péter

Vol. 71, №1 · Winter 2018

Exploring the Early Culture of the Craft
An Interview with Christopher B. Murphy
and Shawn Eyer

Christopher B. Murphy
“Old Grandfather Adam”
Masonic Traditions of the First Father

Ferenc Sebök
Definitions of Brotherhood:
Oath, Duty, and Commitment in Freemasonry

Andrew J. Korsberg
The Importance of a Traditional Understanding of Symbolism

Shawn Eyer
review: British Freemasonry, 1717–1813, Volume Three: Rituals II edited by Jan A.M. Snoek

Stewart Clelland
review: Exploring Early Grand Lodge Freemasonry: Studies in Honor of the Tricentennial of the Establishment of the Grand Lodge of England edited by Christopher B. Murphy

Voices of the Fellows
Alex Horne

Vol. 70, №4 · Fall 2017

William L. Britton
Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol as an Initiatic Journey

Christopher B. Murphy & Kirk C. White
The Indispensable Obligation:
A Study of Masonic Prayer

Thomas D. Worrel
The Noble Knights of the Golden Cord:
A Newly-Discovered Masonic Order

Shawn Eyer
review: The Treasures of English Freemasonry, 1717–2017 edited by Richard Gan

Voices of the Fellows
Carl H. Claudy

Vol. 70, №3 · Summer 2017

Shawn Eyer
Wisdom of the Founders
The Masons of the Early Grand Lodge Era in Their Own Words

Terry L. Tilton
Denver’s Square and Compass: A Journal of Masonry
The Gem of Colorado Masonry, Part Two

Nathan St. Pierre
“For All This Lodge is Holy Gound”
The Symbolism of the Floor of the Lodge

Shawn Eyer
The Smithsonian’s “Masonic” Mizrah:
A Mystery Laid to Rest

Charles Clyde Hunt
The Gavel

Voices of the Fellows
Charles Clyde Hunt

Shawn Eyer
review: British Freemasonry, 1717–1813. Volume Two: Rituals 1 edited by Jan A.M. Snoek

Vol. 70, №2 · Spring 2017

Dana Scofield
“Spiritual and Heavenly People in Corners”
Embracing Masonic Ethos through the Eyes of James Anderson

Rex R. Hutchens
Thinking Outside the Box:
The Geometry of the Oblong Square

Shawn Eyer
The Philalethes Society’s Assembly and Feast in Honor of the Tricentennial of the Foundation of the Premier Grand Lodge of England, Saturday, June 24, 6017

Erik L. Arneson
review: Contemplative Masonry: Basic Applications of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Imagery for the Craft by C.R. Dunning, Jr.

Voices of the Fellows
H.L. Haywood

Vol. 70, №1 · Winter 2017

Jeffrey Croteau & H.A. Stelling
Resources for Masonic Researchers:
The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library

Terry L. Tilton
Denver’s Square and Compass: A Journal of Masonry
The Gem of Colorado Masonry, Part One

Henry F. Evans
Jacob’s Pillow

N.W.J. Haydon
Why Join the Chapter?

Shawn Eyer
review: British Freemasonry, 1717–1813. Volume One: Institutions edited by Róbert Péter & Cécile Révauger

Vol. 69, №4 · Fall 2016

Christopher B. Murphy
The Curious Case of Melchizedek: Freemasonry’s Portrayal of an Ancient Priest

Shawn Eyer
Traditional Perspectives on Melchizedek

Jedediah French
Rebuilding the Temple The Work of Jean-Baptiste Willermoz

Keir R. Johnson & Mark A. Campbell
Resources for Masonic Researchers:
The Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center

Leon Zeldis
Reflections on Liberty

Erik L. Arneson
review: The Rosicrucian Trilogy by J. Godwin, C. McIntosh, & D.P. McIntosh

Shawn Eyer
review: Brought to Light: Contemporary Freemasonry, Meaning, and Society by J. Scott Kenney

Voices of the Fellows
Alfred H. Moorhouse

Vol. 69, №3 · Summer 2016

Stewart Clelland
The Invisible St. Andrew’s Crosse: An Analysis of The Muses Threnodie

Shawn Eyer
The Masonic Mizrah:
A Forgotten Relic of Albert Pike?

Chris Franceschini
Gestalt Psychology, the Collective Unconscious, and Masonic Initiation

Ed King
Resources for Masonic Researchers:
The Grand Lodge of Maine Masonic Library

Grant Haver
The Undiscovered Country

Shawn Eyer
review: An Introduction to the Formation of Freemasonry in the United States of America: The Constellation of the Brotherhood by Larissa P. Watkins

Voices of the Fellows
Henry Wilson Coil

Vol. 69, №2 · Spring 2016

Christopher B. Murphy
The Broken Pillar

Shawn Eyer
The Inward Civility of the Mind:
The 1735 Grand Oration
of Martin Clare, F.R.S.

Michael Moran
The Boyer Model of Scholarship Applied to the Craft

Rob Moore
Resources for Masonic Researchers:
The Detroit Masonic Temple Library, Archive, and Research Center

Dan Doron
Being Free

Voices of the Fellows
William E. Yeager

Vol. 69, №1 · Winter 2016

Dana Scofield
“By Which the Temple of the Soul
is Made Perfect and Beautiful”
Exploring the Masonic Teachings on Architecture

Alan Bell
The Lincoln County War:
An Alternative View

William R. Kreuger
Resources for Masonic Researchers:
The Iowa Masonic Library and Museum

Andrew Korsberg
The Virtue of Justice:
A Meditation on the Four Cardinal Virtues, Part One

Shawn Eyer
review: As Above, So Below: Art of the American Fraternal Society, 1850–1930 by Lynne Adele & Bruce Lee Webb

Shawn Eyer
review: Then and Now: Collecting and Classicism in Eighteenth-Century England by Joan Coutu

Voices of the Fellows
Dwight L. Smith

Vol. 68, №4 · Fall 2015

C.F. William Maurer
Abraham Baldwin: From Morristown
to Tappan and On to Georgia

Terry L. Tilton
Masonic Philanthropy:
Some Questions Begging for Answers

Ernest Chapman
Treasures in the
Music Room Closet

Christopher D. Rodkey
The Rite of Discalceation

Shawn Eyer
review: The Questing Mind is a Salient Characteristic of a Mason by John L. Cooper III

Erik L. Arneson
review: A Place in the Lodge: Dr. Rob Morris, Freemasonry and the Order of the Eastern Star by Nancy Stearns Theiss

Voices of the Fellows
Charles S. Plumb

Vol. 68, №3 · Summer 2015

Impressing the Symbols:
An Interview with Letterpress
Artist James Lewis Tucker

David Harrison
Cornerstones and Keystones

Shawn Eyer
The All-Seeing Eye:
Symbol of the Great Architect, Part One

Karl C.F. Krause
Spiritualization of the
Three Great Lights in Freemasonry

C.C. Hunt
The Principles of Freemasonry

Shawn Eyer
review: Lodge Veritas № 556 Anthology, Volume I by Jason E. Marshall

Rob Moore
review: The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric by Sister Miriam Joseph

Voices of the Fellows
Conrad Hahn

Vol. 68, №2 · Spring 2015

Christopher B. Murphy
The Tavern Myth: Reassessing the Culture
of Early Grand Lodge Era Freemasonry

Shawn Eyer
A Dissertation upon Masonry, 1734:
The Oldest Surviving American Masonic Oration

David Harrison
Godfrey Higgins, Anacalypsis, and the York Grand Lodge

Eric Diamond
Pardes: Using an Ancient Method to Bring Masonic Symbols to Life

Shawn Eyer
review: Lodge Veritas № 556 Anthology, Volume I by Jason E. Marshall

Paul C. Smith
review: Masonic Perspectives: The Thoughts of a Grand Secretary by Thomas W. Jackson

Voices of the Fellows
Elbert Bede

Vol. 68, №1 · Winter 2015

Kenneth C. Jack
Fringe Freemasonry in Nineteenth-Century Scotland, Part One

Alton G. Roundtree
Historical Research: A Five-Step Guide

Madhavan Parthasarthy
Symbolism of the Great Lights in the Entered Apprentice Degree

Andrew Hammer
Pursuing Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty in Masonic Observance: The MRF Comes to Philadelphia

In Memoriam: Harold Davidson, FPS

Shawn Eyer
review: The Masonic Temple in Philadelphia: A National Historic Landmark by Michael R. Harrison, Glenys A. Waldman, Rich Johnson

Christopher B. Murphy
review: Freemasonry: Foundation of the Western Esoteric Tradition by Angel Millar

Shawn Eyer
review: The Oxford Guide to Library Research, Fourth Edition by Thomas Mann

Voices of the Fellows
Alex Horne

Vol. 67, №4 · Fall 2014

Jeva Singh-Anand
A Secret School of Wisdom: Pedagogy,
Esotericism, and Freemasonry in the
Light of the Ritual of the Illuminati,
Part Two

The Illuminati’s “Improved Constitution Book for the St. John’s Lodge:” An Excerpt

Kenneth C. Jack
Fringe Freemasonry in Nineteenth-Century Scotland, Part One

Ryan J. Flynn
The Portale Panel:
On Painting a Tracing Board

Kyle Grafstrom
The Ancient Stone of New York:
Cleopatra’s Needle and Freemasonry,
Part Two

Shawn Eyer
review: A Winding Staircase by Huw Pritchard

Voices of the Fellows
Charles Hope Merz

Vol. 67, №3 · Summer 2014

Jeva Singh-Anand
A Secret School of Wisdom: Pedagogy,
Esotericism, and Freemasonry in the
Light of the Ritual of the Illuminati,
Part One

The Illuminati’s Regent Degree: An Excerpt

Shawn Eyer
“And Hinder Not Music”
The Role of Music and Song
in Traditional Freemasonry

James R. Craig
The Rite of Circumambulation:
Practical or Symbolic?

Mark A. Campbell
Masonic Connections
in the Development of Labor Day

Kyle Grafstrom
The Ancient Stone of New York:
Cleopatra’s Needle and Freemasonry,
Part One

Shawn Eyer
review: Handbook of Freemasonry edited by Henrik Bogdan & Jan A.M. Snoek

Voices of the Fellows
Alphonse Cerza

Vol. 67, №2 · Spring 2014

Stewart Clelland
Seventeenth-Century Rosicrucianism and the High-Grade Freemasonry of the Eighteenth Century

Christopher B. Murphy
“The Foundation of All Masonry”
Masonic Emblems Viewed
Through a Pythagorean Lens

Shawn Eyer
Who was Pythagoras?

Mark A. Campbell
Masonic Connections
in the Development of Labor Day

Nathan St. Pierre
The Symbol of the Seven Stars:
Ascending the Masonic Ladder

Stewart Clelland
review: Freemasonry: Fama Fraternitatis, 1614–2014 translated by Christopher McIntosh & Donate Pahnke McIntosh

Shawn Eyer
review: That Religion in Which All Men Agree by David G. Hackett

Voices of the Fellows
Robert J. Meekren

Vol. 67, №1 · Winter 2014

David Harrison
Dr. Francis Drake and the Grand
Lodge of All England Held at York

Shawn Eyer
Drake’s Oration of 1726
With Commentary and Notes

Allan L. Casalou
Engage and Retain:
Making Life-Long Masons of the Latest Generation

R. Stephen Doan
Religious Inclusion in California Freemasonry

Andrew J. Korsberg
Our Craft as an Initiatic and Esoteric Order

Shawn Eyer
review: Freemasonry: The Vital Exploration by Walter M. Macdougall

Voices of the Fellows
Roscoe Pound

Vol. 66, №4 · Fall 2013

Shawn Eyer
A Classical Vision of Masonic Restoration
Three Key Principles of Traditional Observance

Peter Paul Fuchs
Labor Hidden and Exposed: Freemasonry’s Midwifery of Religious Freedom, Part Three

The Patron Saints and
the Point within the Circle
An Interview with David Long
Erik L. Arneson
Introducting the New Philalethes E-Bulletin

Shawn Eyer
review: Archangels and Archaeology: J.S.M. Ward’s Kingdom of the Wise by Geoffrey Ginn

Voices of the Fellows
J.S.M. Ward

Vol. 66, №3 · Summer 2013

Shawn Eyer
Masonic Historiography & Cultural Analysis: Avoiding Bias and Other Pitfalls in Masonic Research

Peter Paul Fuchs
Labor Hidden and Exposed: Freemasonry’s Midwifery of Religious Freedom, Part Two

Christopher Murphy
“Our Old Noachian Ark”
Craft Masonry and the Traditions of Noah

Nathan St. Pierre
The Theological Ladder:
The Virtues as a Path of Ascent

Erik L. Arneson
review: The Mason’s Words: The History and Evolution of the American Masonic Ritual, by Robert G. Davis

Voices of the Fellows
Nathaniel N.J. Haydon

Vol. 66, №2 · Spring 2013

Remembering Richard H. Curtis
A touching tribute to our beloved Brother and President, Richard H. Curtis, with contributions by many leading Masonic writers and personalities.

Thomas W. Jackson
The Challenges of Masonry in the Twenty-First Century

Peter Paul Fuchs
Labor Hidden and Exposed: Freemasonry’s Midwifery of Religious Freedom, Part One

Shawn Eyer
Masonic Restoration 2013 & The Quarry Project: A Conference Report

Roger M. Firestone
Masonic Philosophy

In Memoriam: Steven K. Robison, MPS

Erik L. Arneson
review: Secret Societies in America, by William D. Moore & Mark A. Tabbert

Shawn Eyer
review: Robert Burns: The Complete Songs [Compact Disc series], by Fred Freeman

Voices of the Fellows
Walter A. Quincke

Vol. 66, №1 · Winter 2013

David Harrison
The Liverpool Masonic Rebellion & the Grand Lodge of Wigan: The Return of the Antients

Kenneth C. Jack
Tradition, Observance, Masonry Anthony O’Neal Haye: Scottish Freemason, Journalist, Author & Poet

Shawn Eyer
The Fourth International Conference on the History of Freemasonry: A Conference Report

Maxim D. Hammer
The Paradox of the Trowel

Erik L. Arneson
review: The Liverpool Masonic Rebellion and the Wigan Grand Lodge, by David Harrison

Shawn Eyer
review: The Dark Side of the Enlightenment, by John V. Fleming

Voices of the Fellows
Arthur C. Parker

Vol. 65, №4 · Fall 2012

John L. Cooper III
Freemasonry Reborn

John Zacharakis
Tradition, Observance, Masonry

Terry L. Tilton
J.C. Penney Lodges:
Examining an American Masonic Legend

Paul C. Smith
An Opportunity for Further Light

Brian Rountree
The Special Mission
of the Masonic Library

Kennyo Ismail
At Labor in the Temple of Our Lives

Adrian Castro
poem: Taken as a Fellow

Voices of the Fellows
Arthur Edward Waite

Vol. 65, №3 · Summer 2012

Erik L. Arneson
The Fantastical Worlds
of Carl H. Claudy:
A Masonic Leader’s Adventures in Speculative Fiction

Shawn Eyer
Numberless Worlds,
Infinite Beings

Aimee E. Newell
Developing a Symbol:
The Square and Compasses with the Letter G in American Freemasonry

Lenny Lubitz
The Edges of Freemasonry:
A Conference Report

Shawn Eyer
A Square, Compasses
and Letter G in 1525?

Voices of the Fellows
Carl H. Claudy

Vol. 65, №2 · Spring 2012

Christopher Murphy
“Here lys the tongue that never did reveal  . . . ”
The Development & Usage of the Cable Tow

Gary Leazer
Surviving the Storm: The Southern Baptist Convention, Freemasonry & the Bible

Richard Gan
Aspects of Masonic
Publishing & the Jigsaw
of Freemasonry

Angel Millar
Death, Beauty & Manhood

Erik L. Arneson
review: Operative Masonry: A Manual for Restoring Light and Vitality to the Fraternity by Kirk C. White

Shawn Eyer
review: The new Ouroboros Press edition of Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum by Elias Ashmole

Voices of the Fellows
George S. Draffen

Vol. 65, №1 · Winter 2012

Douglas Wood
The Art of Memory and the Masonic Craft

Ed Halpaus
A Sacred Gift: The Volume of the Sacred Law

Owen Shieh
Lessons from the Checkered Pavement

Shawn Eyer
Wise and Serious Truths: Engaging the Symbolism of the Craft, Part One

Peter Paul Fuchs
Maimonides and Masonry

Erik L. Arneson
review: Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, edited by Arturo de Hoyos

Shawn Eyer
review: Journey on the Level by Owen Shieh

Voices of the Fellows
Hirsch Geffen

Vol. 64, №4 · Fall 2011

John B. Williams
Initiation in Masonic Life

Allan Casalou
The Resurgence of Interest in the Initiatic Experience in California

Arthur Porter
Auld Lang Syne

Shawn Eyer
Set Your Face to the East: The Initiatic Quest of the Apprentice Mason

Beat Schwendimann
Between Heaven & Earth

Erik L. Arneson
review: A Guide to Masonic Symbolism by Duncan Moore

Shawn Eyer
review: Man and Mason—Rudyard Kipling by Richard Jaffa

Voices of the Fellows
Charles G. Reigner

Vol. 64, №3 · Summer 2011

Andrew Hammer
Restoring Our Lodges, Observing Our Craft

Shai Afsai
The Sage, the Prince & the Rabbi

Ron Watkins
Freemasonry and Initiation

Paul Adams
The Affirmation of the Supreme Being

Maxim D. Hammer
The Square & the Four Cardinal Virtues

Bryan D. Dietrich
The Lost Word

Adam G. Kendall
review: Hibiscus Masonic Review vol. 3, edited by Peter J. Millheiser

Voices of the Fellows
Reynold E. Blight

Vol. 64, №2 · Spring 2011

Michael Halleran
“Hold On, Boys…” Freemasonry in the Border War, 1854–1865

Kenneth C. Jack
Sauchie Tower & Old Sauchie House

Steven B. VanSlyck
What a Lodge Can Truly Be

Leon Zeldis
Illustrated by Symbols

Shawn Eyer
The Elements of Consecration, Part Two

William Peake
The Passages of a Mason: Master Mason

Shawn Eyer
review: Freemasonry: An Introduction by Mark E. Koltko-Rivera

Erik L. Arneson
review: Here's Looking at Euclid by Alex Bellos

Adam G. Kendall
review: Museum and Memorial by Mark A. Tabbert

Voices of the Fellows
Louis Block

Vol. 64, №1 · Winter 2011

Robert G. Davis
The New American Mason: Generations Together in Private Conclaves of Manhood

Daniel D. Hrinko
The Formation of a Craft Driven Lodge

David Harrison
From Elias Ashmole to Arthur Edward Waite

Helmuth Svoboda
Wanted: Ashlarists

Beat Schwendimann
The First Stone

William Peake
The Passages of a Mason: Fellow Craft

Shawn Eyer
The Anchor and the Ark: Symbols of Faith, Hope and the Persistence of Tradition

Shawn Eyer
review: Observing the Craft by Andrew Hammer

Erik L. Arneson
review: The Royal Arch Journey by Neville Barker Cryer

Voices of the Fellows
Robert I. Clegg

Vol. 63, №4 · Fall 2010

Paul Rich
Robert Burns and the Mystery of ‘The Master‘s Apron’

Shai Afsai
Thomas Paine’s Masonic Essay

Ravi S. Kudesia
Journeying Eastward: Freemasonry in Light of the Vedanta

William Peake
The Passages of a Mason: The Apprentice

Ed Halpaus
The Senses: Hearing

Shawn Eyer
review: The Mystic Tie by Billy Kay

Erik L. Arneson
review: A Radical in the East by S. Brent Morris

Voices of the Fellows
Henry F. Evans

Vol. 63, №3 · Summer 2010

C.F. William Maurer
Elkanah Watson: A Tale of Freemasonry and Revolution

Jeremy Gross
Benjamin Franklin and Jewish Ethics

Benjamin Franklin
On the Symbolism of Early American Currency
sidebar: What About the Great Seal?

Shawn Eyer
The Transvaluation of Status in the First Degree

Thomas J. Monteforte
William Preston‘s Charge to the Fellow Craft

Leon Zeldis
Philosophize to Live

Erik L. Arneson
review: The Better Angels of Our Nature

Voices of the Fellows
Harry L. Haywood

Vol. 63, №2 · Spring 2010

John Wade
English Masonic Processions

Michael Pearce
The Function of Secrecy in the Work of Freemasonry

Eric C. Friedman
A Reflection upon the Greater & Lesser Lights

Shawn Eyer
The Elements of Consecration, Part One

Ed Halpaus
"All the Implements of Masonry, Indiscriminately, but More Especially…

Mounir Hanafi
poem: Wages from Heaven

Shawn Eyer
review: The Beauty and Glory of the Day
review: Into Masonic Light

Voices of the Fellows
Silas H. Shepherd

Vol. 63, №1 · Winter 2010

Julian Rees
Light from the Tracing Boards

Thomas D. Worrel
The Art of Memory and the Spiritual Practice of the Liberal Arts

Shawn Eyer
Writing a Masonic Paper
The Beehive and the Stock of Knowledge

David Sudia
Trust, the Thread of the Mystic Tie

Ed Halpaus
Masonic Communication

Adam G. Kendall
review: Fraternal Regalia I

Voices of the Fellows: C. C. Hunt

Vol. 62, №4 · Fall 2009

Robert G. Davis
William Preston: Architect of the American Craft Ritual

Shawn Eyer
The Mystery of the Mosaic Pavement

Ed Halpaus
Truth: A Masonic Meditation

Erastus Allen
Knowing, and Still More to Know

Shawn Eyer
review: The Masonic Myth
  by Jay Kinney
review: The Medals and Jewels of
  British Freemasonry

  by Trevor I. Harris

Voices of the Fellows: Rudyard Kipling

Edited by Shawn Eyer
44 pages, full color, quarterly. $60 U.S./Can., $60 Intl.